0 comments Tuesday, March 13, 2012

After a few years of not updating, this blog comes alive again.
Even if not with a torrent of new messages, there is still a spark of life in it.
The updates in this post: 

  • New(ish) domain.
    That's right, a new(ish) domain for SevTor.
    The .net76.net subdomain is still up and running, but I've set up a new version of SevTor with its own .com domain.
    So, for the time being, you can read my stories at both the old SevTor and the new SevTor.
    But in time, the old site will become nothing more than a testbed for scripts that I might want to include in the new site.
    Before that happens, I will post a notice here as well as on both the old and new SevTor sites.
  • Slightly revamped design.
    Yup, with the new .com domain, I decided to also spiffy the new SevTor up a bit.
    Easier to run the site, less spam, for visitors hopefully a somewhat better (though very similar) look...
    And it has a few extra's on the administrative end, which made the switch worth it for me.
  • ACOT re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-write...
    Yup, after twelve (yes, TWELVE, 12!!!) years and countless versions, there finally is yet one more re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-write in progress.
    This story truly is my life work, and will likely keep me busy well after my life has expired.
    If, by some cosmic freak accident, I do finish it before the end of my life, I'll quite likely not know what to do with my life anymore and run head-first into an oncoming freight train.
    Or the universe will cease to exist.
    But all joking aside, yes, yet another version of ACOT is in the works.
    A few spoilers:
    - Tom isn't who everybody thought he was, my bashing will be justified in this story, and possibly he will meet with a horrible end.
    - Early on, B'Elanna sacrifices an arm for Seven, which later on will be replaced with a  prosthetic arm.
    - At some point in the story, Pon Farr and aliens tampering with his brain will cause Tuvok to snap... permanently!
That's all I'll put in this update.