0 comments Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some more work is being done on SevTor.
I was hoping to add some more stories and other content today, but instead I find myself hunting for little errors in the CSS and other files that make the site work.
SevTor works perfectly as it is, it is just that when validating the site through W3C to check for compliance with webstandards, several warnings and non-critical error messages pop up.
SevTor is done in PHP, the validation tool was made for HTML/XHTML and CSS, but my webdesigner side wants to try and get rid of those warnings/error messages as soon as possible.
My webmaster/site-admin side, however, figures I'll never get all of them to dissapear, if any at all, and wants to clean up the code for the content that's waiting to be posted.
I'm not certain, but I think I'll put my money on the webmaster/admin side in a bet of which side is right... and when I get home I'll have a few William Lawsons while letting the webmaster side celebrate its victory by slapping the server with cleaned-up content.
So keep your eyes peeled and check it out often.

0 comments Wednesday, April 15, 2009

SevTor has undergone a big change since the previous format.
A change back to a CMS that used to run an old version, for several years up to 2007.
I even switched back to the same old skin, which involved digging up all the old stuff, then modifying it for use with the latest version of that CMS.

The change was important because it frees up time that I used on administering the CMS that was running SevTor up to last week, instead of using that time on content - such as stories and links.
And as an added bonus, switching to the "old" CMS allowed me to make the site bi-lingual - the stories remain English-only, unless I actually find the energy and time to translate stories to Dutch, but SevTor itself as a site is now bi-lingual.
And it became much simpeler and less time-consuming to add other content, such as links, a guestbook, and an actual news-section integrated into the site rather than a seperate page where I had to manually enter all the html for each update.
The change even allows me to add forums, galleries and other stuff in a matter of minutes if I'd want to.

So, if you haven't already checked it out, I'd say swing on by right now!