0 comments Monday, June 15, 2009

Unfortunately, I don't have much news to mention regarding SevTor.
New content is still lined up to go through final editing (spellchecking, formatting) before getting posted, but I'm a bit bogged down in work so I'm not giving any guarantees on just when it will finally be posted.
On a sidenote I've been talking to someone I've worked with, and he asked me if I'd want some additional content on SevTor - he's written a couple of stories and did some fan-art of Seven and B'Elanna.
I'm willing to post some of his stories with full credits, but he's trying to get his own corner on SevTor with his own admin access, and that's something I'm not liking.
So that stuff is still very much in the "maybe, maybe not"-stage.
And that concludes this minor non-update type update.