Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Welcome to this blog, titled SevTorian Times.
This blog is a companion to my website, SevTor, where I post my fanfiction stories in which I pair the characters Seven of Nine and B'Elanna Torres, from Star Trek Voyager.
I also post these stories on but there might be some differences - corrections, different endings, other differences - between those stories as they get posted on different places.
The versions posted on SevTor will be the ones I'm most pleased with.

SevTor is an old site, but has been non-functional for some time due to technical issues initially, and later on for a prologed time due to issues with the time, effort and money I could invest in the site.
Long story short, I finally managed to get it back up, and for the first time since 1995 I actually hosted a site of my own on a server that was not my own.
The url isn't the same as the original, though I still have access to the old domain, it just isn't as practical anymore - I might use that for some side-project in the future, but for SevTor itself I'm sticking with the more practical solution.

The fanfiction I'm hosting on SevTor is all my own work, and it's femslash, meaning it (usually) pairs the main characters as lovers, though I might also post some works in which they are just friends or even adversaries.
Much of my work has humor in it, some is angsty, and I always try to put in some good romantic stuff.
So, be sure to check out SevTor.


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