After another several years of not updating, I'm back to post that there's still a spark of life.
But also, time for some updates...
- Unimatrix Stovokor is no more.
The site with the story that pulled me into fanfiction, Lisa Countryman's site, went dark years ago.
Some of her work has been archived in other places - particularly "She Who Hesitates..."
That story is archived at Ralst's site, and you'll find a link to it in the links section.
I don't recall if her other works are also archived there, but you might be lucky and find them there. - Old and previous "new" SevTor sites are no more; new new SevTor is in the works.
The old SevTor went dark when my hosting account for it got stolen; by the time I got it back, the hoster went belly-up without any notices.
The previous "new" SevTor was self-hosted, using a fancy .com domain; unfortunately humans are fucking garbage and after a few DNS attacks the domain got stolen right before I could renew.
About half a year later, the PC that all the site's files were on suffered a hard crash, and everything was gone.
I've tried setting up newer sites a few times, all self-hosted, but none of those really took off and for some time I just got burnt out on it all.
But now, I'm back in the saddle and a new SevTor is in the works.
It's on a proper server (well, shared hosting/vps) with what I think is a great domain, easy to remember - - which you will also find in the links-section.
There's not much (or any) content up yet, but once I'm done tinkering with the CMS that I went with, and once I get my writing mind back in gear, that'll change.
That's all for now, and I will be updating more often again.